Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Moon Rhythms: A Community of Moonchildren, Gypsies, Healers and Magic

I am finally sharing this with everyone :) Diving off the cliff!

To all the women out there ready to connect with other kindred souls, delve into the moon mysteries and magical realms of the Divine, I’m calling out to you.

If there is anything I have learned this year, when women gather in sacred circles with open hearts and creative fire MAGIC is generated.

And it is powerful.

My soul has been bursting with the magic I want to offer women.

My soul is yearning for spirit-led connection and the magical community to hold it. So I am manifesting this intent into being.

Enter Moon Rhythms.

Moon Rhythms is the sacred container to hold this spirit-led community. Let’s sit around the campfire, tell our fortunes, and howl at the Moon.

If you feel called to join this group, I ask for only a small annual fee of $15. This also includes my Moon-Time e-course!


My Offerings

This Sacred container will also hold the offerings I wish to share with you all. 

Through this community you will have access to all my workshops I am creating at a discounted price than they normally would be (as much as 50% off!). 

My workshops contain Luna, Soul, and Magic. I already have this year’s workshops mapped out and I am so excited to work with you!


A Magical Academy

With Moon Rhythms, you also have the opportunity to become an accredited Certified Metaphysical Practitioner!

A Metaphysical Practitioner is an artist and cultivator of magic. We hone our skills, learn from the Divine, and learn to use our energy for the Highest Good. 

A certification can help set you apart with your spirit-led business, and give you confidence and the skills to work your own magic in your community. 


There are four-core courses to complete this certification:

>LUNAR FLOW: Learning energy work with the Moon and witnessing our own ebb and flow as healers and magical practitioners. 4 weeks, $45
>TAROT JOURNEY: A workshop to enhance our intuitive gifts using the Tarot as our tools for divination and self-transformation. 12 weeks, $75
>EARTH MEDICINE: Let’s gather our stones and learn from them; A basic overview of crystal healing and working with stone medicine. 8 weeks, $55
>CHAKRA RHYTHM: A 7 week healing journey through the chakras creating alignment and balance. 7 weeks, $55

As part of the certification, biweekly assignments will be submitted (this is not strict or rigorous, I don't operate that way :)

Pricing Options:

You can pay as you go for each class

$195 for the accreditation and these 4 courses

Or 2 payments of $105

The value of these workshops anywhere else can be easily between $500-1000. I want to keep Moon Rhythms and the CMP as accessible to as many women as possible!

This certification is accredited through the Apothecary Circle.

Do you wish to participate in all the Moondaughter workshops all year round including the four-core and certification? Plus your choice of a Crystal Healing Session or custom Moon Ceremony? Get it all for only $295! (excluding guest workshops)

If you have any questions, or need to request custom payment plans, please email me at moonrhythmscircle@gmail.com


Your Offerings

Moon Rhythms is also exciting because I want this to be an interactive, collaborative, Spirit-led network for all who enter.

Do you wish to share your metaphysical, holistic offerings? Get feedback and testimonials from kindred souls? Yes, please!

Talk to me about offering your own workshop in Moon Rhythms! 
I am so excited to work with you!

Email me at moonrhythmscircle@gmail.com

PLEASE NOTE: All these offerings are completely optional! Only do what your intuition and spirit is led to!
Your participatory level is up to you. If you do take the CMP courses however, participation is required for the certification and highly encouraged :)



What is Moon Rhythms?
A community of gypsies, healers, moon children and magic

When does this community open?
The tentative opening is the sabbat, Lughnasadh on August 1st

What does this community include?

What is the pricing?

$15 Basic: Annual fee for the community and Moon Time E-course E-book format

  • $195 up front
  • Pay as you go for each core class (Lunar Flow, Tarot Journey, Stone Medicine, Chakra Rhythm, see prices above)
  • Or 2 payments of $105
$295 Moondaughter Healing Package: Access to everything Moondaughter and a Healing session with me
  • $295 up front
  • 2 payments of $150
  • 6 payments of $55
Or you can always pay as you go for everything and pick and choose your own path!

If you feel called to join me in this effort of gathering magical, intuitive, and spirit-led women you can find the listings for these different options here!

For payment plans or questions email me at

So so so excited! and bursting with love and gratitude to you all!

Love and Blessings,
Marissa Moondaughter


  1. Ohhhh!!! I wanna join! The $15 option is *perfect* and let me say THANK YOU for making one that isn't a lot of money. I may (will most likely!) do this next month. Should a spot still be open?

  2. I am so proud of you. <3 Look at you.
    Squishy squeezes, love.


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