Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Cup of Tea: Comparison

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” 

Theodore Roosevelt

I just finished my second class at Pure Barre and I must say, it was hard not to compare myself to the more flexible, fitter ladies. But I just kept closing my eyes, focusing on my fatiguing muscles and reminding myself, "This is for me." If I lose focus on that what is the point? So cheers to focusing on yourself for nourishment and self-sustainability. 13 more classes to go!

Marissa Moondaughter


  1. This quote is so true! I think everyone was in a situation where you compared yourself with others...and did not feel happy afterwards. We should learn to accept ourselves the way we are because we are all unique.

    keep going girl! you will do fine :)

  2. Thanks love, we all need these reminder sometimes, don't we?

  3. Great quote! I sometimes get caught up in comparing myself and my skills to others, but you're totally right - it's all about focusing on yourself and what you want to get out of it.

  4. Very true! I think comparison also robs us of authenticity --- rather than offering up our own unique gifts we try to recreate another's. There's definitely a fine line between admiration and comparison.

  5. I concur! We are our own worst critic, but we must look forward, not back or to the sides. Keep on with your goals. I must tell myself this too! :)


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